Get your job listed on Google for Jobs.

Get your job listed on Google for Jobs.

Millions of job seekers search on Google for jobs every day. Promoting your job listings on job boards that are integrated with Google for Jobs helps you get more qualified applicants.

EffizoJobs's integration with Google AI automatically posts your jobs on Google for Jobs.

Jobs are subject to editorial review and approval. If the job is not published, you will not be charged.
google for jobs optimized job board in the usa
For 30 days, each listing costs $199. If you want to post multiple jobs at a discount, please contact us

Connecting your job listings with EffizoJobs AI brings you many benefits:

Your listings are eligible to show up in Google for Jobs.

Prominent place in Search Engine results.

Reach Millions of Job Seekers.

Highlight your job on our website for 14 days.

Share jobs on social media at no additional cost.

Dedicated Support - Reach out to us anytime, 24x7. is exclusively for remote jobs.

100% satisfaction guaranteed.

Messages, questions or any enquiries?

Send a message to: [email protected]
You can also click on the below button to quickly contact us.